Molecular and Cellular Basis of Diseases

The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Diseases (MCBD) PhD program has been successfully running since 2002 and provides excellent training opportunities for students from all over the world. As a PhD student you will have the opportunity to work on exciting research projects in biochemistry, molecular cell biology, and oncology, including aspects of anticancer-immunity.

The multi-disciplinary nature of our program combines basic hypothesis driven research with clinical research and will allow you to acquire a broad skill-set to launch your successful career in basic and applied biomedical sciences.

Your research project will be supervised by one of your faculty members and a PhD committee. Comprehensive training is accomplished through a core curriculum that includes selected lectures and hands-on methods courses. A dynamic seminar program with presentation and discussion of research projects complements this training plan. Direct interactions with your peers and faculty are part of the daily live in the MCBD-affiliated laboratories throughout the year at the Medical University of Innsbruck.

A special research focus within MCBD is the FWF funded PhD program Cellular Basis of Diseases (CBD) with its interdisciplinary PhD projects on the molecular control of metabolism & inflammation. More information on the CBD PhD program can be found here.

Lectures and Courses

Presentation of kick off-meeting SS 2025

Course registration

MCBD Seminar

It is mandatory to attend the MCBD seminar throughout your PhD. You need to present your research progress every year – starting with a presentation of your research project in the first year. Keep in mind to sign the attendance sheet.

Core Lecture II & II

You are required to attend the MCBD core lectures (I&II) during your first year – keep in mind to sign the attendance sheet.

Method Courses

To enroll in a methods course, please send an e-mail (containing the course title you are interested in) to the PhD School office ( Please keep in mind to register no later than 3 days after the semester kick-off.

Joint Group Seminars

Your are required to attened group-meetings of other MCBD groups 4x per semester (over 3 years). Please use the Joint Group Seminar Form and submit it to the MCBD office at the end of semester.

Electives/General Subjects

Please directly contact the respective faculty/lecturer.

Link to i-med.inside »

MCBD Core Lecture I & II*1,5 (VO)WS, SSshow program winter term 2024/25
show program summer term 2025
Joint Seminars in Molecular and Cellular
Biology of Diseases*
0,5 (SE)WS, SSshow program
Scientific Presentations on International
Conferences & Courses
2 (SE)WS, SScrediting form
*mandatory – Core Lecture I & II (2 x 1,5 ECTS), Joint Seminars in Molecular and Cellular Biology of Diseases (4 times visit per semester/overall: 6 semester – 6 x 0,5 ECTS)
MCBD II Core Lecture – SS 2025Time: 8:15-10:00
Location: Pathologie-HS
03.03.Artificial IntelligenceRockenschaub
04.03.B-Cells -> paperHerzog
06.03.Innate Immunity -> paper; (Exam: potential a paper presentation)Posch
07.03.T-cells -> paperKleiter
10.03.Medical Genetics: Rare Diseases -> paperZschocke
11.03.Genetic epidemiology -> PPTKronenberg
13.03.Forensic Genomics -> PPT, paper I, paper IIParson
14.03Epigenetics -> paper I, paper IILusser
17.03.Iron and Phosphate Homeostasis -> PPTHeinz Zoller
18.03.Senescence and role in disease -> paperAusserlechner
20.03.ECM and role in disease -> paper; PPTSampson
21.03.Cancer vaccines and tumour antigens -> PPT Wollmann
MCBD I Core Lecture – WS 2024/25Time: 8:15-10:00
Location: Pathologie-HS
01.10.Regulation of protein synthesis -> paper Erlacher
03.10.Regulation of gene expression -> paperVietor
04.10.Cellular degradation pathways -> paperSchmidt
07.10.Cellular mechanobiology ->paper, presentationFarhan
08.10.Organelle signaling -> paperTeis
10.10.DNA methylation-> paper Labi
11.10.Signaling in Cancer: drug discovery -> paperDunzendorfer – Matt
14.10Mitosis and cell divison -> paper I, paper IIGeley
15.10.Kinases and Phosphatases in cellular homeostasis and diseases -> paper I, paper II, paper IIIKullmann
17.10. Cell death -> paper Villunger
18.10.Changes in metabolic pathways -> paper Hagenbuchner
21.10.Lipid metabolism -> paperKeller

Link to i-med.inside »

MCBD methods courses are mandatory core subjects. You have to pick at least 2 courses (total: 3 ECTS). You can choose between seventeen different courses:

Summer Semester 2025
show program
Flourescence Microscopy Techniques
Campiglio M, Flucher B, Offterdinger M, Kummer K
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration only via i-med
May 13 – 16.
Live cell imaging and
superresolution microscopy
Geley S, Offterdinger M
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
Genome Editing
Geley S, Herzog S
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
Translational Oncology
Sampson N, Puhr M, Schäfer G (Deichsler S), Wollmann G
1,5 (VU)WS/SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
23rd-24th and 26th June (human part)
30th June and 1st July (mouse part)
Introduction into Flow Cytometry
Sopper S (Bösch M)
1,5 (VU)WS/SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
Viral Gene Transfer
Ritsch A
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
19.5.-23.5. 2025, starting daily at 9 a.m., 3-4 hours daily
Introduction to Next Generation.
Sequencing data analysis

Coassin S, Schönherr S
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
CSI Innsbruck: analysis and interpretation
of forensic DNA markers

Parson W (Bodner M)
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
31.03.-04.04., 09.+10.04.2025 (half days)
intended schedule: 31.03.,01.04.,03.04.,04.04.,10.04.: 1 ~ 5 PM
02.04, 09.04.: 2 PM ~ 5 PM
Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics
and Lipidomics

Oberacher H, Keller M, Gostner J
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
Registrations for the course are possible in i-med.inside until April 8, 2025. A preliminary meeting will take place on April 8. Participation is requested. The course itself will be held in a blocked format from May 5 to May 8, 2025.

Sample preparation/quality control in molecular pathology (KF)
Handle F, Thalhammer-Thurner G
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
Genetic Risk assessment for complex diseases
Forer L, Lamina C
1,5 (VU)SSmore informationfrom Monday, 2nd of June till Thursday, the 5th of June, 10-4 pm each day
Scientific Computing and Reproducible Data Analysis
Lukas Forer
1,5 (VU)SSfrom Monday, May 12, to Thursday, May 15, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day.
Introduction to data analysis with R
Keller, Koch
1,5 (VU)SSmore information
registration only via i-med
Winter Semester 2024/25
show program
Stoitzner P, Posch W, Tripp C, Wilflingseder D
1,5 (VU)WSmore information
registration only via i-med
04. and 05. December and 11. and 12. december.
1,5 (VU)WSmore information
registration via i-med
already possible
December 09-12, 2024
Introduction into Flow Cytometry
Sopper, Bösch
1,5 (VU)WS/SSmore information
registration only via i-med
Most likely, there will be one early November and if necessary a second in February.
Biological Databases
1,5 (VU)WSmore information
registration only via i-med
3D Bioprinting, Tissue Engineering and
Rapid Prototyping

Außerlechner, Hagenbuchner
1,5 (VU)WSmore information
registration only via i-med
Key Techniques: cell culture, lysis, fractionation and detection of specific proteins and their activity
Eca Guimaraes Araujo M, Vietor
1,5 (VU)WSmore information
registration only via i-med
in KW 49
Introduction to data analysis with R
Keller, Koch
1,5 (VU)WSmore information
registration only via i-med
Design and Analysis of (RNA) Sequencing Experiments for Biologists
Schubert, Michael
WSmore information
registration only via i-med

Link to i-med.inside »

MCBD Research Seminar1 (SE)WS, SSWinterr term 2024/25 list
Summer term 2025 show program
mandatory (6 x 1 ECTS)

Link to i-med.inside »

If you want to enroll for general subjects, please register via i-med.inside or contact the lecturers directly via e-mail.

some examples
 credits  availability  information 
Ethics and misconduct in bio-medical science Sandra Santos Sierra
1 (SE)WSshow program
Stem cells & cloning – Ethics I
Huber, Leher
1 (SE)WSshow program
Stem cells & cloning – Ethics II
Huber, Leher
1 (SE)SSshow program
Good Scientific Practice –
Good Laboratory Practice
1 (SE)SSshow program
Project application and management
Perez Mediavilla
0,5 (VU)WSshow program
Quality and process management
(Qualitäts- und Prozessmanagement)
1 (VO)SSshow program
Intellectual property, innovation and
financial exploitation
1 (VU)SSshow program
Basic Statistics and Epidemiology for
Non-Clinical PhD
1 (VU)WSshow program
Statistics Advanced for Non-Clinical PhD
1 (VU)SSshow program
Basic course for animal experimentation
Beierfuß, Kimpel, Nischler,
Shenegelegn Mern, Tripp
2,75 (VU)WSshow program
Alternatives to animal experimentation
Lechner, Wilflingseder
2 (VU)SSshow program
Gender Medicine Part A (Introduction)  Komlenac, Nikola
0,5 (SE)WSshow program

MCBD Students

Oberegger Simon2025Haas Hubertus
Sophia Mair2025Can Gollmann-Tepeköylü
Böck Nina2025 Trajanoski Zlatko
Humer Dominik2024Baier Gottfried
Riepler Lydia2024 von Laer Dorothee
Andolfi Chiara2024Culig Zoran
van Goubergen Jasper2024Santer Frederic
Greirer do Carmo Maria2024Herbet Riechelmann
Vincent Braun2024Villunger Andreas
Karbon Gerlinde2024Villunger Andreas
Pölzl Leo2024Holfeld Johannes
Radlinger Bernhard2024Kaser Susanne
Weyer Yannick2024Teis David
Gronauer Raphael2024 Hackl Hubert
Brunner Elena2024Sampson Natalie
Dunworth Christopher2024Hesso Farhan
Hornsteiner Florian2024Stoitzner Patrizia
Kirchmair Alexander2024Trajanoski Zlatko
Grubwieser Philipp2023Theurl Igor
Kahlhofer Jenny2023Teis David
Hofmann Julia2023Schneeberger Stefan
Cattelani Cecilia2023Huber Lukas
Nothdurfter Daniel2023Ausserlechner Michael J.
Fotakis Georgios2023Trajanoski Zlatko
Minzaghi Deborah2023Dubrac Sandrine
Parizadeh Amirabbas2023Hesso Farhan
Sturm Gregor2023Trajanoski Zlatko
Folie Sabrina2023 Kaser Susanne
Rössler Annika2023von Laer Dorothee
Plattner Christina2023Trajanoski Zlatko
Lohmüller Michael2022Villunger Andreas
Schmiedinger Thomas2022Judith Lechner
Sprenger Simon2022Teis David
Klee Katharina2022Huber Lukas
Garcia e Souza Luiz Felipe2022Gnaiger Erich
Heilmann Emmanuel2022von Laer Dorothee
Dolejsi Theresa2022Haubner Bernhard
Volland Andre2022von Laer Dorothee
Lobenwein Daniela2022Holfeld Johannes
Sajinovic Tajana2022Baier Gottfried
Hutter Katharina2021Villunger Andreas
Liebscher Gudrun2021Huber Lukas
Graber Michael2021Holfeld Johannes
Pipperger Lisa2021Von Laer Dorothee
Aschenbrenner Bertram2021Skvortsova Iraida
Furlan Tobias2021Culig Zoran
Seretis Athanasios2021Stoitzner Patrizia
Bastos Sant’Anna Silva Ana2021Klocker Helmut
Curinha Ana2021Geley Stephan
Pfeiffenberger Elisabeth2021Geley Stephan
Leitner Peter2021Huber Lukas
Haschka Manuel2020Villunger Andreas
Bellmann Lydia2020Stoitzner Patrizia
Doppler Christian2020Bernhard David
Schreiber Liesa-Marie2020Wollmann Guido
Prokopi Natasa2020Stoitzner Patrizia
Ranches Glory2020Hengst Ludger
Negro Giulia2020Skvortsova Iraida
Siller Anita2020Striessnig Jörg
Sladky Valentina2020Villunger Andreas
Huang Anming2020Lusser Alexandra
Gruber Martina2020Culig Zoran
Hofer Nadja2019Striessnig Jörg
Bermejo Jambrina Marta2019Wilflingseder Doris
Costé de Bagneaux Pierre2019Flucher Bernhard
Kaplan Mehmet2019Flucher Bernhard
Olson William2019Kleiter Natascha
Thurner Marco2019Troppmair Jakob
Peer Sebastian2019Baier Gottfried
Schönfeld Manuela2019Wilflingseder Doris
Geisler Stefanie2019Obermair Gerald
Tepeköylü Can2019Holfeld Johannes
Naschberger Andreas2018Scheffzek Klaus
Yordanov Teo2018Huber Lukas
Danzl Katarina2018Bernhard David
Nowosielski Yvonne2018Bechrakis Nikolaos
Peschel Ines-Anna2018Hengst Ludger
Altenbacher Georg2018Geley Stephan
Masuccio Alessia2018Hengst Ludger
Spiegl Simon2018Geley Stephan
Urbiola Carles Rodriguez2018von Laer Dorothee
Weber Anja2018Eder-Neuwirt Iris
Migliano Simona2017Teis David
Ortner Nadine Jasmin2017Striessnig Jörg
Willi Michaela2017Trajanoski Zlatko
Ng Josephine2017Grabner Manfred
Mastrolia Vincenzo2017Flucher Bernhard
Schrötter Kai2017Grabner Manfred
Schuler Fabian2017Villunger Andreas
Tuzlak Selma2017Villunger Andreas
Borjan Bojana2017Untergasser Gerold
Schaffenrath Sandra2016Romani Nikolaus
Watzinger Katrin2016Kähler Christian
Handle Florian2016Culig Zoran
Khalid Sana2016Troppmair Jakob
Luef Birgit2016Culig Zoran
Pinggera Alexandra2016Striessnig Jörg
Überall Martina2016Überall Florian
Schöpf Clemens2016Obermair Gerald
Lammirato Andrea2016Vietor Ilja
Efremova Mirjana2016Trajanoski Zlatko
Schaffenrath Sandra2016Romani Nikolaus
Wolf Barbara2016Fiegl Heidelinde
Alonso Y Adell Manuel2015Teis David
Angelova Mihaela2015Trajanoski Zlatko
Bock Juhasz-Vedres Gabriella2015Striessnig Jörg
Etemad Ahari Solmaz2015Flucher Bernhard
Klepsch-Pedit Victoria2015Baier Gottfried
Mairhofer David2015Stoitzner Patrizia
Matissek Claudia2015Teis David
Peintner Lukas2015Villunger Andreas
Sultana Nasreen2015Flucher Bernhard
Vogel Georg Friedrich2015Huber Lukas
Hautz Theresa2015Schneeberger Stefan
Ritsch Paul2015Kotsch Katja
Ofer Philipp2015Klocker Helmut
Sochalska Maja2015Villunger Andreas
Giridhar Shivalingajah2015Geley Stephan
Pasqualini Lorenza2015Klocker Helmut
Aneichyk Tatsiana2015Kofler Reinhard
Podmirseg Silvio2015Hengst Ludger
Höll Monika2015Jansen-Dürr Pidder
Dold Catherine2015von Laer Dorothee
Campiglio Marta2014Flucher Bernhard
Dander Andreas2014Trajanoski Zlatko
Lieb Andreas2014Striessnig Jörg
Mitterstiller Anna-Maria2014Weiss Günter
Müller Martin2014Teis David
Scheffler Julia2014Huber Lukas
Thöni Cornelia2014Huber Lukas
Wachowicz Katarzyna2014Baier Gottfried
Baumgartner Florian2014Villunger Andreas
Bindreither Daniel2014Kofler Reinhard
Ümmühan Demir2014Klocker Helmut
Bösch Maximilian2014Sopper Sieghart
Heidegger Isabel-Maria2014Klocker Helmut
Tymoszuk Piotr2014Doppler Wolfgang
Aschauer Lydia2013Jennings Paul
Bhat Vinayakumar2013Grabner Manfred
Enthammer Marion2013Troppmair Jakob
Erb Holger2013Culig Zoran
Höfer Julia2013Culig Zoran
Kaur Gurjot2013Striessnig Jörg
Limonciel Alice2013Jennings Paul
Ottina Eleonora2013Villunger Andreas
Scharinger Anja2013Striessnig Jörg
Sparber Florian2013Romani Nikolaus
Wöss Claudia2013Villunger Andreas
Jung Oh Su2013Culig Zoran
Haffner Michael2013Doppler Wolfgang
Datta Sebak2013Doppler Wolfgang
Wallner Stephanie2013Wolf Dominik 
Haller Martina2012Troppmair Jakob
Hinterleitner Reinhard2012Baier Gottfried
Koziel Katarzyna2012Troppmair Jakob
Meisel Marlies2012Baier Gottfried
Nimmervoll Benedikt2012Haubner Bernhard
Prajczer Sinikka2012Jennings Paul
Martowicz Agnieszka2012Gastl Günther
Schranz Melanie2012Zoller Heinz
Martowicz Agnieszka2012Gastl Günther
Barisic Marin2012Geley Stephan
Hannesdottir Lára2012Doppler Wolfgang
Kern Georg2011Flucher Bernhard
Allerstorfer Doris2011Blumer Michael
Al-Zoairy Ramona2011Pedrini Michael
Cikes Domagoj2011Vietor Ilja
Ecker Karin2011Helmberg Arno
Gruber Peter2011Hofmann Johann
Haubner Bernhard2011Metzler Bernhard
Patsch Katherin2011Vietor Ilja
Dayal Anamika2010Grabner Manfred
Grespi Francesca2010Villunger Andreas
Prokudin Ivan2010Huber Lukas
Puhr Martin2010Culig Zoran
Schnaiter Simon2010Huber Lukas
Shrivastav Manisha2010Grabner Manfred
Forti Efrat2010Pfaller Kristian
Carlet Michaela2010Kofler Reinhard
Huajie Bu2010Klocker Helmut
Busquet Perrine2009Striessnig Jörg
Malinowska Kamilla2009Culig Zoran
Schlick Bettina2009Flucher Bernhard
Smigelskaite Julija2009Troppmair Jakob
Subramanyam Prakash2009Flucher Bernhard
Boes Eva2009Kronenberg Florian
Massoner Petra2009Klocker Helmut
Parajuli Nirmala2009Doppler Wolfgang
Araujo Mariana2008Huber Lukas
Di Biase Valentina2008Flucher Bernhard
Erlacher Matthias2008Hüttenhofer Alexander
Gebhart Mathias2008Striessnig Jörg
Kollmann Veronika2008Baier Gottfried
Neuwirt Hannes2008Culig Zoran
Singh Anamika2008Striessnig Jörg
Taub Nicole2008Huber Lukas
Tuluc Petronel2008Flucher Bernhard
Watschinger Katrin2008Striessnig Jörg
Krabichler Birgit2008Utermann Gerd
Gruber Georg2008Kofler Reinhard
Krabichler Birgit2008Utermann Gerd
Rantner Barbara2008Kronenberg Florian
Rechfeld Florian2008Hofmann Johann
Ecker Karin2008Helmberg Arno
Letschka Thomas2007Baier Gottfried
Morandell Sandra2007Huber Lukas
Schredelseker Johann2007Grabner Manfred
Zitt Marion2007Kofler Reinhard

MCBD Faculty