General Information

Students in the Innsbruck PhD School for Biomedical Science will acquire broad knowledge and multidisciplinary skills in basic and clinical research.

Our PhD programs build on exciting research projects that are complemented by selected lectures, hands-on laboratory courses and seminar series. 

First-rate international research training and Innsbruck’s unique location in the heart of the Alps make up an exceptional starting point to launch a successful career in biomedical sciences.

Our PhD Programs at a glance

The goal of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of Diseases (MCBD) PhD program is to offer flexible and diverse training opportunities in biochemistry, molecular cell biology, and oncology, including aspects of anticancer-immunity. The program equips PhD students with the skills to pursue a scientific career in basic and applied biomedical sciences. more details here

The goal of the Phd Program in Neuroscience is to provide students fundamental training in basic and clinical neuroscience. The program is associated with two excellence graduate school funded by the Austrian Science fund: SPIN – Signal Processing in Neurons and CavX – Calcium channels in excitable cells. more details here

The Graduate Program provides outstanding educational opportunities for students who wish to pursue a career in research and education in the fields of Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics. more details here

The program “Infection, Immunity & Transplantation” coordinates all doctoral studies dealing with infectious diseases, both in clinical and pre-clinical institutes at Medical University of Innsbruck. more details here

State-of-the-art medicine is minimally invasive and is strongly based on medical Images. This interdisciplinary program includes nano-medicine, microscopy, optics, imaging, image-based diagnosis and therapy, visualization of medical imagery, image-based navigation, and surgery. more details here

“Musculoskeletal Science“ is an interdisciplinary PhD program and focuses on the restoration and maintenance of the musculoskeletal system after degenerative or pathological changes. more details here

“The PhD Program in Medical Psychology focuses on the interaction of psychological, physical, and social factors with an individual’s health. Research areas covered by the PhD program include patient-reported outcome research, psychological treatment of patients with somatic diseases, sexual health, health services research, and psychoimmunology. more details here